Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How We Can End Poverty

Your walking home from school and to get home you need to go through the city. Today you decide to take your time and cautiously notice things. You see that most of the houses and buildings are boarded up. Or have holes in the windows. You ask yourself why isn't the
 town fixing these houses and why for a long time have they been this way? This happens due to the case of poverty your town has which impacts everyone.
      What is poverty? Poverty is the state of being poor. But not just having no money it also means a lack in many other things or not having access to certain things. Such as jobs, education, protection in shelter, and health benefits.
        Why and how does poverty happen? According to, "Children represent 24 percent of the population, but they comprise 34 percent of all people in poverty. Among all children under 18 years of age, 45 percent live in low-income families and approximately one in every five (22 percent) live in poor families". This is how much children under the age of 18 are poor and or living in poverty. Now the real question is, how is this happening. There are many ways child poverty can happen here are a few ways. According to, "Adults are defined as family self-sufficient if their own resources (their income and their receipts from social insurance programs that are not dependent on the presence of children) are enough to keep their entire family out of poverty." Now what does all this mean, this means that the adults aren't to be worried about them and themselves only. It means that they care for their children, but they don't have enough income and insurance programs.
     What is being done to help these children who face poverty? Many solutions have such a huge impact on these children positively. One of which a school district in Berwyn are helping all these kids. A principle from one of the schools in the district who goes by Mrs. Boutet. Tells us what her school district does for their students who are facing poverty. "We provide all students with a safe learning environment and the opportunity to learn. Students have a 1:1 education (all get a iPad), free breakfast, and free lunch.students get to participate in numerous clubs and sports (over 30) for free. Students may get transportation if they live across the railroad tracks or over 1 mile away. Students may participate in a before and after school program for free (7:10-8:10 am & 3:20-5:00 pm.). Students who are homeless or in financial distress may have their uniforms and supplies provided as a discount or free field trip. We also work with organizations in the community to provide the families with winter coats and food." So as you can see this school is helping every way they can to destroy some of the problems like hunger and clothing. Also free transportation whenever and stay at school for free or a good discount. So all in all Children who face poverty, which means the state of being poor, have troubles within school and with other problems including them. But by simple means to be helping these children we can help lower poverty.

A Different New Years Resolution

     What is my New Years resolution? Well my Ne Years resolution is something a little different, it is to be able to do more things in life so I can be looked upon greatly. What I mean by this is it really goes both ways. Either to not drag and do my priorities, to get more out of it. Or do more with my life and live to the fullest. But mainly I'm focusing on the first one. I'm setting this as my New Years resolution because I want to "For Example", in school do my work on time so I don't have to get consequences frequently. But to do what I need to do so I can be able to not be looked down on and instead be appreciated. For doing these things and probably be remembered as a good student to my peers and teachers. But outside of school that's a different story.

Monday, December 5, 2016

My Favorite Quote So Far

  "Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself " This is a quote from George Bernard Shaw. This is my favorite quote so far because of what I think it means. This quote shows you how that you don't have to do things to find yourself, and be a follower when you can go out and be yourself. Which the whole things means be yourself and I think of it as we don't want more of the same people.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Why My Name Is Special

     My names is special because it comes from a saint called saint Dominic. Although my name has a "ck" at the end of my name.My mom got the idea from my grandma a strong catholic member. Who thought it was a good name to give me, saint Dominic, who is the patron saint of astronomers.  

Sunday, November 20, 2016

What I'm Thanful For

     What I'm thanful for is my family. I say this because without them I don't know where I would be. They have helped me grow to be who I am. So for them to give me proper care and shelter is the best.  Sometimes we're not always the nicest to eachother, but by the end of the day we are  family and we put it aside because life  is too short. To be arguing that's why I'm thanful for my family because we will always have each others backs.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Best Day Ever!

     My best day ever was around the time when I was in 6th grade, or at least going into 6th grade it was summer vacation. Every year during summer my cousins from Maryland would come visit us or we would go visit them. But that year they came to see us. So they came and a couple days later I believe their 3rd to last day at our place my Dad said he would take me and Tyler to Six Flags. Tyler a year older than me I believe 12, who's my cousin. IT was a suprise at around 11:00 P.M they told us,    and we were super excited. So after that we got ready left and drove to Six FLags.
     At six flags we went on so many rides. We went on Superman first since it was at the entrance and my second favorite ride. I really like that ride because it feels like your flying like Superman. They would tilt you forward a little bit like if you were flying like Superman which I really liked. Then we went on the rides closest to the entrance and made are ways down. I don't know why, but it was funny going on rides with Tyler he was terrified going on the rides since he's never been to Six Flags or any rides like those. So I had to force him on and tell him that it was fun.
      He always said that he was never going on another ride, but he did anyway. Then we all got lunch and he got chicken tenders he's real picky. Me and my dad got chili dogs they were huge so I got one it was probably bigger than a foot. They were ok, but I ended up not eating it since the flavor of the Hotdog was smoked. Then after we finished we went on the Eagle that was probably the scariest rides there for me. A little because of  how high it was and another because it's made out of wood and people could say you could feel it shake because of the wind. Surprisingly though Tyler came on it. I never would of thought he would agree to go on, but he did. He liked it so did my Dad. 
      Finally, after the Eagle, we went on the Raging Bull our last ride of the day. Me and my Dad told Tyler how it was from the way we explained it he didn't want to go on. We said ok and he insisted that we go on. I felt bad since it was our last ride of the day before we left. So me and my Dad went on and it was amazing that's my all time favorite ride. I like how at the beginning it goes slow then straight down. It's the best I love it makes your stomach turn. Then after that it goes completely fast. IT was amazing every time I go I make sure to always go on. Then after that we left the park and we were all tired and we got straight in the car and left it was the best  

Friday, November 4, 2016

News Article

       I'm sure you've heard of the clowns going around scaring people. Have you ever thought what it would be like to actually witness this. Maybe some people might think it's cool, others might think that it's scary. Well here's the story of two teens both 14 who just started their first year of high school. We're just at their local park in Plainfield. Then all of when 3 pranksters dressed as clowns. Came up to them and scared them here's the story of what happened 2 weeks ago.
        Two boys Dale I witness reporter, and his friend Anthony. Both freshmen in high school. Also both 14, were at their local park in Plainfield. Playing two hand touch football in a small field. When all of a sudden one of the boys (Anthony) noticed the 3 clowns approach them here's what they said and did. " I was so nervous man me and Dale tried to stay calm. To see what they would do next then they started sprinting after us. We just ran after that because we weren't trying to fight, so we just left." So the big question is why are these clowns doing these things trying to scare people? Is it to get people prepared for Halloween?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

News article

       A vast majority of people are talking about the clown sightings that have been happening these past two months.These clowns have been going around chasing and just scaring people. The real question is why are these clowns doing this? Well here's a report from a teen who was chased by a clown.In his local park in Plainfield with His friend.
        I witness report Dale who was at his local park was attacked. Here's what he said, " It was crazy bro me and Anthony (his friend), were chased by a clown. We didn't want to get in a fight so we just left." So now the big question is to ask is it all just for a little scare before Halloween? Or do these clowns mean harm.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Ponyboy Character Analysis

        The character I picked from the Outsiders is Ponyboy. I picked Ponyboy because Ponyboy has such a significant piece to the book he has the narrative perspective and if from anyone else would probably be more chaotic or more one sided. Some characteristics of Ponyboy is that he has long black hair, greenish gray eyes, and he is sort of short scrawny with little muscle. Ponyboy has problems internal and external. Some of the problems are his parents being dead, him being poor, has seen a lot of violence, both friends he knew died, has gotten beat up by socs, and brother hates/loves him. Ponyboy is calm and doesn't fight. His language is Normal English and 1960's slang. Then his motivations is his friends.

Monday, October 17, 2016

My Favorite Childhood Memory

        My only favorite childhood memory that I can remember well is how much I loved Thomas The Train. I remembered this a lot because I would watch litterally all the Thomas The Train shows. Especially for most of my birthdays as a kid, my uncle would always take me to this little store which sold toys and trains. Which was where I got most of my trains from. Also I remembered that I had a Thomas The Train party when I was either 2 or 3. With decorations and a cake design. Then me and my parents would set up cool tracks. It was just the best. I still remember these things because of family members still talking about me and my siblings childhood, and all the pictures that are in my memory books. It was great, I guess you can say I was obsessed.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


      The 2 blog tips I picked is, "choose wisely" I picked this because I wanted to get better at choosing topics because when I'm thinking it takes to long to pick a topic so if I have a topic right a way I can fluently pick my topic and have a better understanding. On what to pick for my blogpost. Another is,"A great title for my blogpost" I want to have more creative titles to carry in people to read my blog. Also I want my blog to be different then everyone else's that right blogs so it can attract more people and it's not boring.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Favorite Trip Ever

      My best trip ever, was when me and my cousins went to Florida to visit our grandparents. It was amazing we went swimming in their pool,went to the beach since they live down the road, and we went to visit St Augustine. Me and my cousin Anthony went on bike rides and saw tons of bizarre things you don't see often. There were snakes, tons of grasshoppers, and bright colorful huge spiders. Then at the beach we would see dolphins and sometimes little fish would come so close to us that we would try to catch them. Then we would go long boarding to see all the colorful and oddly shaped houses.
        When we were at our grandparents house we would hangout and play with their dog Buddy who is a German Shepard. It was funny he would always play with us and nip my cousin Anthony. Then outside we would see little frogs and peoples lawns with little ponds that would have so many colorful fish. Also at the end of the road there were little holes where blue crabs would go in and out of. We never got to see any, because we had to wake really early at like 5 in the morning to see them, and it was vacation so we really just slept in.

Monday, October 3, 2016

In 10 Years When I Have An Awesome Job

        In 10 years I see myself as a bariatric surgeon/ Doctor . I want to be a bariatric surgeon because becoming a surgeon/Doctor has always been a dream of mine. I always wanted to help people and many other reasons which I have gathered through the years. Becoming a doctor can benefit me and my family. I say this because if my family was to be sick or have a injury. I can be there when they need me. Another thing is the salary, a doctor especially a bariatric surgeon gets payed with a high a amount  of salary per year, helping you and you're family. That's why in 10 years I want to be a doctor/surgeon.