Monday, February 27, 2017

A Day With My Favorite Famous Person

     My Favorite famous person is Eminem. I would love to spend the day with Eminem because I personally think he is one of the best rappers alive. So it would be cool to hear Eminem freestyle. Also it would be cool to get rap with Eminem or atleast for him to teach me some rhymes. If I were to spend the day with Eminem I would ask him about his life and how he made it to where he is now. I would ask him this because when he was a kid his dad left him, he was raised by his mother who did drugs. So since she did this her youngest son Nate was taking away by the state at eight years old. Another thing I would do with Eminem is write him a song, it would be bad, but it would be cool to give it a shot for him to make it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Things That Make Me Happy!

1.My Family
2.My friends
3.Going to the Y
4.Listening to my music
5.Playing Football
6.Playing Lacrosse
7.Playing Xbox
8.Hanging out with my cousin
9.watching the NFL seasons
10.Gym class most of the time
11.Being with my grandma
12.Watching YouTube
13.Biking around with my friend
14.Exploring around places I don't go

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Abraham Lincoln Book Blog

     "Abraham Lincoln" by Tanya Lee Stone. Shows the various things that happened in Abraham Lincolns Life. It shows the problems that happened when he grew up, it shows the jobs that got him into running for president, and also tells about his presidency and his assassination. For example one peice of information I found was when Lincoln Was going through a hard time in his life." Ten months after Eddie died. William Wallace was born on December 21, 1850. Just a few weeks later, on January 17, 1851, Lincolns father died." This is one of the many things that happened to Lincoln through the biography. With other things about his life.
     My opinion about the book is that it's very detailed and has a lot of descriptions. One thing I also liked about the book is that mostly every page has a picture of the character they're talking about or place. One quote I got from the book that I found was very detailed or atleast something that probably know one would know is this," Tad had a lisp and a spontaneous nature that was endearing, and Willie shared a common way of thinking." I liked these very descriptive things that know one would really know. Another thing I liked about the book is that any word they use in a sentence or for example someone you didn't know it would have a little box on the side of the page telling who the person is. Or what the definition of that word is. Which I found was really helpful.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Best Advice I Ever Gave

     The best advice I ever gave to my sister and brother is watch your friends. Why I said this is because being the older sibling you always want to protect them. So I suggested that they watch their friends. Escpecially growing up you learn good and bad things. Sometimes peer pressure happen and you end up doing stupid things. That's why I say watch your friends because fights, drugs, and other bad things can possibly come up. So I just want to warn them now and they listen that's what I know. Another piece I gave to them was do your work on time for school. I told them this because getting late work you get consequences and no one likes consequences. So I said if you have late work your gonna get stacks on stack of things to do. Which no one wants extra work.